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Shallpack Labeling Machine Case Study: UNI-PRESIDENT
Category: Corporate News
Date: 2017-03-29
Click: 1516
Author: admin
In June 2016, Shallway Packaging Equipment Co., Ltd.(Shallpack) provided labeling equipment to the new beverage plant of Uni-President in Hefei, China.

In June 2016, Shallway Packaging Equipment Co., Ltd.(Shallpack) provided labeling equipment to the new beverage plant of  Uni-President in Hefei, China.

The cooperation between Uni-President and Shallpack traces back to 2009 when Uni-President promoted ALKAQUA, whose sources are from Changbai Mountain and Antu, Guangzhou Province. After that, Uni-President has chosen Shallpack as its labeling equipment supplier for the projects in Cixi and Bama, where Chinese first automatic rotary labeling machines with orientation and vacuum labeling functions were applied. The vacuum labeling device is developed by Shallpack for labeling the 2 dimensional facet, which has been an innovation for labeling techniques.


In 2013 and 2014, Shallpack cooperated with Uni-President (Kunshan) and Uni-President (Fuzhou) for the labeling solutions for milk tea and UNI SPORT. In 2015, Shallpack participated in several labeling projects of Uni-President in Nanchang, Guangzhou, Xuzhou,and Hangzhou. 2015 has witnessed a close cooperation between Uni-President and Shallpack. Shallpack is the only labeling equipment supplier to the above 4 plants of Uni-President:

Fully automatic 90 degree folded security labeling solution to its Nanchang plant:

Guided by the separating worm and infeed star-wheel, containers enter the turntable where the 15 working stations are individually driven by servo motor. The turntable turns while each working stations turn, stop and are locked when the labeling area is detected by the sensors.

Labeling station 1 works first. Labeling station 2 starts working when labels run out in labeling station 1. The difficulty of this project: the application of camera detecting system and  90 degree folded security labeling driven by servo motor.

Labeling solution of PLAN N in Hangzhou:

Guided by the separating star-wheel (anti-scratching) and infeed star-wheel, containers enter the 32 working stations in the turntable. The upper part of the label are stuck on containers, the lower parts of the label are pressed by cylinder in the label pressing area. Labeling station 1 works first. Labeling station 2 starts working when labels run out in labeling station 1.

The labeled containers enter the discharge star-wheel for quality detection and elimination.

Rotary elimination of unqualified labeled containers: qualified labeled containers are pressed by the top pressing units to the discharge conveyor, while the unqualified labeled containers are kicked out by the cylinder when arriving at the sectoral elimination area which allows sufficient time for continuous elimination.

Stable labeling speed: 550 BPM.

Short lead time:

Each department in Shallpack collaborates to finish the installation of the labeling equipment in short lead times for these projects. The rich labeling experience, advanced technology and excellent after-sales service have laid solid foundation for the cooperation between Uni-President and Shallpack.

Successful buy-off of the Hefei project marks 8th year of cooperation with Uni-President.

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